Bots are third-party applications that run inside QuickBlox platform. Chatbots are controlled programmatically via QuickBlox Javascript/Node.js SDK.
QuickBlox application includes everything that brings messaging right into your application - chat, video calling, users, push notifications, etc. To create a QuickBlox application, follow the steps below:
To create a bot user, follow the steps below:
Open terminal and type the following commands:
mkdir my_awesome_bot
cd my_awesome_bot
npm init
This will ask you a bunch of questions, and then write a package.json file for you. More information on npm init. The main thing is that we have now a package.json file and can start to develop our first chatbot.
In terminal type the following command:
npm install quickblox --save
Type the following command in terminal:
touch index.js
It will create the main entry point for your bot. Open this file and let’s write some logic.
Open index.js file and write the following code:
"use strict";
const QB = require("quickblox");
const CONFIG = {
appId: "...",
authKey: "...",
authSecret: "...",
botUser: {
id: "...",
password: "...",
// Initialise QuickBlox
QB.init(CONFIG.appId, CONFIG.authKey, CONFIG.authSecret);
// Connect to Real-Time Chat
password: CONFIG.botUser.password,
(chatConnectError) => {
if (chatConnectError) {
"[QB] chat.connect is failed",
console.log("[QB] Bot is up and running");
// Add chat messages listener = onMessageListener;
function onMessageListener(userId, msg) {
// process 1-1 messages
if (msg.type == "chat") {
if (msg.body) {
let answerMessage = {
type: "chat",
body: msg.body, // echo back original message
extension: {
save_to_history: 1,
};, answerMessage);
process.on("exit", function () {
console.log("Kill bot");;
This is a simple bot that simply replies back with origin message.
variable put the following values:
Bot user ID and password. Get these values following Dashboard => YOUR_APP => Users => Add new user direction. The user ID appears in the table with users once a User is created and the password is taken from the Add user form.
Application ID, Authorization Key, and Authorization Secret. Get these values following Dashboard => YOUR_APP => Overview direction and copy them from here.
Usually, it’s not enough just to build a simple bot that echoes your messages. It’s better to add some intelligence for your bot. For this purpose, we need to connect some bot’s intelligence platform/library to your bot. There is a cool product called RiveScript is a scripting language for chatbots, making it easy to write trigger/response pairs for building up a bot’s intelligence.
Inside your bot directory run the following command to install RiveScript:
npm install rivescript --save
RiveScript is a text-based scripting language meant to aid in the development of interactive chatbots. To write your own RiveScript code, you will only need a simple text editing program. A RiveScript document is a text file containing RiveScript code. These files will have a .rive extension. An example file name would be replies.rive.
Create a txt file in your bot’s directory and name it replies.rive. Then go to, choose rs-standard.rive template and copy all content into your file.
Read more information on RiveScript code.
Open index.js file and add the following code:
const RiveScript = require("rivescript");
// Init RiveScript logic
const riveScriptGenerator = new RiveScript();
function loadingDone(batch_num) {
console.log("[RiveScript] Batch #" + batch_num + " has finished loading!");
function loadingError(batch_num, error) {
"[RiveScript] Load the batch #" + batch_num + " is failed",
// load our replies file
riveScriptGenerator.loadFile("replies.rive", loadingDone, loadingError);
let answerMessage = {
type: "chat",
body: riveScriptGenerator.reply(userId, msg.body),
extension: {
save_to_history: 1,
Here we initialize RiveScript, then load all replies flows from replies.rive file and build message reply based on RiveScript replies flows.
Type the following command to run our bot in terminal:
node index.js
Now you can write something to your bot and will receive a reply. See the documentation at