Namespace: addressbook

QB. addressbook

Address Book


staticQB.addressbook.get(udidOrCallback, callback)

modules/qbAddressBook.js, line 125
Retrive all contacts from address book(read more). The method accepts 1 or 2 parameters.
Name Type Description
udidOrCallback string | function You could pass udid of address book or callback function if you want to get contacts from global address book.
callback function optional Callback function is used as 2nd parameter if you pass udid as 1st parameters. This callback takes 2 arguments: an error and a response.
var UDID = 'D337E8A4-80AD-8ABA-9F5D-579EFF6BACAB';

function gotContacts(err, contacts) {
 contacts.forEach( (contact) => { alert(contact); })

// or you could specify what address book you need by udid
QB.addressbook.get(UDID, gotContacts);

staticQB.addressbook.getRegisteredUsers(udidOrCallback, callback)

modules/qbAddressBook.js, line 176
Retrieve QuickBlox users that have phone numbers from your address book(read more). The methods accepts 1 or 2 parameters.
Name Type Description
udidOrCallback boolean | function You can pass isCompact parameter or callback object. If isCompact is passed then only user's id and phone fields will be returned from server. Otherwise - all standard user's fields will be returned.
callback function optional Callback function is useŠ² as 2nd parameter if you pass `isCompact` as 1st parameter. This callback takes 2 arguments: an error and a response.

staticQB.addressbook.uploadAddressBook(list, options, callback)

modules/qbAddressBook.js, line 58
The method is used to create, update and delete contacts in address book.
If contact doesn't exist in address book then it will be created. If contacts exists then it will be updated. If pass 'destroy: 1' then the contact will be removed.
Found more here.
The method accepts 2 or 3 parameters.
Name Type Description
list Array.<Object> A list of contacts to create / update / delete.
options Object optional
Name Type Description
udid string optional User's device identifier. If specified all operations will be in this context. Max length 64 symbols. If not - it means a user has one global address book across all his devices.
force number optional Defines force rewrite mode. If set 1 then all previous contacts for device context will be replaced by new ones.
callback function The savedAddressBookCallback function.
var people = [{
   'name':'Frederic Cartwright',
   'phone': '8879108395'
   'phone': '8759108396',
   'destroy': 1

 var options = {
   force: 1,
   udid: 'A337E8A4-80AD-8ABA-9F5D-579EFF6BACAB'

 function addressBookSaved(err, response) {
   if(err) {

   } else {
     console.log('All constacts saved');

 QB.addressbook.uploadAddressBook(addressBookList, savedAddressBookCallback);
 // or second parameters can be options
 QB.addressbook.uploadAddressBook(addressBookList, options, savedAddressBookCallback);