Namespace: content

QB. content



private,staticQB.content.create(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 69
Create new file object.
Name Type Description
params object Object of parameters.
Name Type Default Description
content_type string The file's mime(content type).
name string The file's name.
public boolean false optional The file's visibility. public means it will be possible to access this file without QuickBlox session token provided. Default is 'false'.
callback createFileCallback The createFileCallback function.

staticQB.content.createAndUpload(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 122
Create file > upload file > mark file as uploaded > return result(read more).
Name Type Description
params object Object of parameters.
Name Type Default Description
file object File object.
name string The file's name.
type string The file's mime (content type).
size number Size of file, in bytes.
public boolean false optional The file's visibility. public means it will be possible to access this file without QuickBlox session token provided. Default is 'false'.
callback createAndUploadFileCallback The createAndUploadFileCallback function.

staticQB.content.delete(id, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 95
Delete file by id(read more).
Name Type Description
id Number blob_id.
callback deleteFileCallback The deleteFileCallback function.

staticQB.content.getFile(uid, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 292
Download file by UID. If the file is public then it's possible to download it without a session token(read more).
Name Type Description
uid String File object uid.
callback downloadFileByUIDCallback The downloadFileByUIDCallback function.

staticQB.content.getInfo(id, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 270
Retrieve file object info by id(read more).
Name Type Description
id number File object id.
callback getFileInfoByIdCallback The getFileInfoByIdCallback function return file's object.

staticQB.content.list(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 38
Get a list of files for current user(read more).
Name Type Description
params object Object of parameters.
Name Type Default Description
page number 1 optional Used to paginate the results when more than one page of files retrieved.
per_page number 10 optional The maximum number of files to return per page, if not specified then the default is 10.
callback listOfFilesCallback The listOfFilesCallback function.

private,staticQB.content.markUploaded(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 241
Declare file uploaded. The file's 'status' field will be set to 'complete'.
Name Type Description
params object Object of parameters.
Name Type Description
blob_id number The id of file to declare as uploaded.
size number Size of file, in bytes.
callback markUploadedFileCallback The markUploadedFileCallback function.


modules/qbContent.js, line 345
Get private URL for file download by file_uid (blob_uid) (read more).
Name Type Description
fileUID String File object id.


modules/qbContent.js, line 354
Get public URL for file download by file_uid (blob_uid) (read more).
Name Type Description
fileUID String File object id.

staticQB.content.update(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 316
Edit a file by ID(read more).
Name Type Description
params object Object of parameters.
Name Type Description
id number File object id.
name string optional New file name.
callback updateFileCallback The updateFileCallback function.

private,staticQB.content.upload(params, callback)

modules/qbContent.js, line 208
Upload a file to cloud storage.
Name Type Description
params Object Object of parameters (see into source code of QB.content.createAndUpload(params, callback) to know how to prepare the params object).
Name Type Description
url string File url.
data object Formed data with file.
callback uploadFileCallback The uploadFileCallback function.